Sweetdreams. / 0 comments (+)
He's already sleeping. Ia magic lah malam ni. I'm waiting for you to do magic together. Too bad you do your magic dulu. :P Have a sweet dreams my love. I can't sleep so I blog sebentar aje ye sayang. :D

Time is ticking so slow, and my holidays sucks up a lot. I don't know what else to do, just hanging around watching tv's and dvd's all days. :/ No more playing games. I know I know. :P It would be great if I could spend my holidays with you, by your side everyday, I'm wishing for that. It's been err three days, hopefully you'll be back by this Friday. I can't wait to see you and have some fun together, alone with you. Grr! I'll meet you up once you get back home, yes? Let's go pantai! I miss to go there, I know you do too. You said it last week. :P I really missed a lot those great times we had together at pantai. Things happened so fast, really fast that I couldn't help myself to reminisce all of it because there are so many to reminisce and I even forgot the date... Boo me! Sorry, dates aren't important by the way. Yes it is very important in some cases like anniversary, birthdays. But how to remember when we had so much things we did and as you know, bila berdua kita tidak akan tengok masa. :P It's not that I forget everything, I still remember every bit we did. It's just too much to reminisce all in one time. :D Time flies by so fast for people who are madly in love. We didn't even bother to check the date and the time. We just wanted to be together. Just like what you said, what has happened is all that matters and date was just a time. That place brings a lot of memories. You agree with me Sayang? Hehe. We went there like almost every night, we talked so much and we shared everything. Our long deep conversations made me fell in love with you, since then I started to adore you. The first time you held my hands, the first time....... i don't want to mention anymore. Let it be our secrets. :) I shall stop writing now before I spill out more. :P

Be good there sayang, take good care of yourself. I know you're always been doing good but yeah, just be good all the time. :)

P/S: "Membuat ia yang paling istimewa dalam hidupku" - That's so sweet Sayang. I love you! *big hugs and kisses for you*


Assalamualaikum :)
Hello everyone!
