Tadika Jaya Reunion. 11/1 / 0 comments (+)
111? 11th January 2009? Nice date to remember uh? and yes I will not forget that. Yesterday was F-U-N! Not just fun as in F-U-N, it was FUNNNNNNN! Fun jumpa dorang semua, and dapat cerita-cerita kisah dulu. Our former Tadika Jaya School just had such a blast reunion for Primary 6 intake 2001 two days ago at Pantai Berakas. Im very glad could meet them all and didn’t know that they were also eager to come too. At first I’m expecting less than 15 people would turn up as there were two reunions had been made by our friends two years ago. I thought they all might be get bore about reunion once more and didn’t want to come again in view of the fact that they had CAME to the two reunions before. Haha. Nasib baik lebih dari 15 yang datang ani. Yeah I’m happy for that! Just some of us couldn’t make it due to some reasons. Yes you guys are forgiven. :p

We took like a month I think to plan everything and thanks to Afif, Muiz, Hadi Fuad, Esmendy, Nur Nazurah, Azimah and ME. *Give a big round of applause to us* :). The reunion actually was first planned by Nur Nazurah and Muiz then I volunteered myself to help them. By the time I started spreading the news to others telling them etc Afif came to help me. Macam angel si Afif ani tiba-tiba datang. :p But seriously he is. Haha. Then Azimah, Esmendy and Hadi Fuad jua banyak tolong-tolong. Esmendy tah nda dapat diharap. HAHA. Kami expect ia yang datang awal untuk booking tempat tapiiiiiii ia datang tengahari. Mendy mendy~ Thank you guys, without you all the reunion would not be successed like what we had planned. Hehe.

Here are the names that came to the reunion.

- The Boys.
Hadi Fuad

- The Girls.
Azimah Abidin
Azimah Ajak
Azimah Zaidi
Hayatul Najibah
Nurul Nazurah (Itu aku)
Syaza Nabilah

:( The girls nda banyak datang. Afifah and Fadhil nda datang pasal damam. Kepada mereka-mereka yang bawa partner doranag atu baik tah bayar $10 jua. Nada kamu makan free tu. Haha. Kidding.

The day before reunion! :)

Us the “so called AJKs” meet up the day before the reunion to buy some stuffs macam food, drinks etc for tomorrow. Kesiannnn! Our collections only $110 saja and kami takut ramai yang datang. Apakan dorang makan tu kalau nda cukup. Haha. Muiz ambil Hadi Fuad dulu then me since Hadi Fuad’s house and my house are not so far. Next we headed to SKH Sengkurong and meet up Afif there. Aku wah saja bini-bini. Azimah and Nazurah couldn’t help us out because Azimah was working on that day and Nazurah ia ada masalah sikit I think. Bali-bali then round-round cari barang yang diperlukan untuk esok ani skali apanah? Hahah. Nda cukup duit kami. So yeah we went to Afif’s crib untuk planning lagi di sana.

After that bla bla bla. Aku balik around 10. I don’t feel like to compose anymore. Sorry. :D Ngalih ku kan taip panjang-panjang aa. :p

Sorry no picture. Nada masa kan bergambar pasal busy.

The Reunion Day!! :)

Here you go. :D

Pictures aa saja, aku malas bercerita ni. Haha.

This picture was taken from Yean's Blog.

Sorry jua nda banyak pasal handphone ku abis battery and camera ku ani rusak tia jua bakas kana pinjam. Nanti ku ambil dari dorang semua.

Lastly, aku update sudah ni. Ada orang atu wah ucap ada bau bangas di sini. Adakah bau bangas? Aku cium nda jua ada. Kau ni yang bau bangas aa. HAHA! Nadadeh. Aku tau ia membaca masani. Kenapa? Terasa kau kah? Haha, sah kau tah tu orangnya. Haha. Kan sabut namanya karang expose tia, malu ya karang. :p I’ll see you around.

Okay, Assalamualaikum.


Assalamualaikum :)
Hello everyone!
