A night could turn out to be an amazing night. / 0 comments (+)

I went to ICC last night with him for the consumer fair thingy. Nothing special about it, and it was kinda boring. Good thing he was there with me, at least I'm not bored. Too many people were there. Like very. Ami couldn't stand it. He doesn't always like crowded places, he hates it a lot. I know! :P

We were there until 9, then straight headed to Times Square to get some food. I drove last night, he didn't drive because ia ngaleeeeeeh :P hehe! Then 10.30, went to his house and had some rest. We both were tired especially him, he had a rough week this week. Kesian sayang ehh iatah tu :P I went home at 12. I didn't want to go home actually but I had to. :P


Assalamualaikum :)
Hello everyone!
